
发布时间:2019-07-17 字体大小 T |T




邮箱:chentx@lzu.edu.cn; chentxky@163.com















4.参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:利用禾草内生真菌进行大麦种质创新及其遗传稳定性研究,(31971756,2020年01月- 2023年12月);






1.Taixiang Chen, James F. White, Chunjie Li*, Zhibiao Nan (2021) Exogenous spermidine enhances Epichlo? endophyte-induced tolerance to NaCl stress in wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum). Plant and Soil, 468:77-95. (IF2020=4.192).

2.Taixiang Chen, Wayne R. Simpson, Zhibiao Nan, Chunjie Li*, (2021) NaCl stress modifies the concentrations of endophytic fungal hyphal and peramine in Hordeum brevisubulatum seedlings. Crop and Pasture Science, accept. (IF2020=2.286).  

3.Taixiang Chen, James F. White, Chunjie Li* (2021) Fungal endophyte Epichlo? bromicola infection regulates anatomical changes to account for salt stress tolerance in wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum). Plant and Soil, 461:533-546. (IF2020=4.192).

4.Taixiang Chen, Tian Wang, Yidan Gou, Lihua Wang, and Chunjie Li* (2021) Identification of Colletotrichum liriopes as the causative agent of anthracnose in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) in China (Disease Note). Plant Disease, https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-21-0689-PDN. (IF2020=4.438).

5.Taixiang Chen, Yangju Qi, Lihua Wang, Chunjie Li* (2021) First report of leaf spot disease on Fagopyrum esculentum caused by Bipolaris zeae in China (Disease Note). Plant Disease, https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-01-21-0020-PDN. (IF2020=4.438).

6.Taixiang Chen, Zhenjiang Chen, Chunjie Li* (2021) Epichlo? endophytes stimulate grass development and physiological state in China. Chapter In: James White, Samir Droby, Ajay Kumar (eds). Microbiome Stimulants for Crops: Mechanisms and Applications, 41-53. Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-822160-0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/C2019-0-04354-3

7.Taixiang Chen, Yangju Qi, Lihua Wang, James Francis White, Chunjie Li* (2021) First report of leaf spot disease caused by Stemphylium vesicarium on Fagopyrum esculentum in China (Disease Note). Plant Disease, https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-06-20-1391-PDN. (IF2020=4.438).

8.Taixiang Chen, Chunjie Li*, James F. White, Zhibiao Nan (2019) Effect of the fungal endophyte Epichlo? bromicola on polyamines in wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum) under salt stress. Plant and Soil, 436: 29-48. (IF2018=3.259).

9.Taixiang Chen, Richard Johnson, Shuihong Chen, Hui Lv, Jingle Zhou, Chunjie Li* (2018) Infection by the fungal endophyte Epichlo? bromicola enhances the tolerance of wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum) to salt and alkali stresses. Plant and Soil, 428: 353-370. (IF2017=3.306).

10.Taixiang Chen, Wayne R. Simpson, Qiuyan Song, Shuihong Chen, Chunjie Li*, Rana Z. Ahmad (2019) Identification of Epichlo? endophytes associated with wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum) and characterisation of their alkaloid biosynthesis. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 62:2, 131-149. (IF2017=1.149).

11.Jianjun Wang, Taixiang Chen, James F. White, Xuekai Wei, Xiuzhang Li, Chunjie Li* (2021) Pantoea agglomerans, a seed-borne plant pathogenic bacterium, decreased seed germination, seedling growth and seed quality of oat. European Journal of Plant Pathology, accept. (IF2020=1.907).

12.Jianjun Wang, Taixiang Chen, Longhai Xue, Xuekai Wei, James Francis White, Zemin Qin, Chunjie Li* (2021). A new bacterial leaf blight disease of oat ( Avena sativa L.) caused by Pantoea agglomerans in China. Plant Pathology. DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13479. (IF2020=2.590).

13.Minxiao Lang, Jinle Zhou, Taixiang Chen, Zhenjiang Chen, Kamran Malik, Chunjie Li* (2021) Influence of interactions between nitrogen, phosphorus supply and Epichloё bromicola on growth of wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum). Journal of Fungi, 7, 615. Doi:10.3390/jof7080615. (IF2020=5.816).

14.Yali He, Taixiang Chen, Haijuan Zhang, James Francis White, Chunjie Li*. (2021) Fungal endophytes help grasses to tolerate sap-sucking herbivores through a hormone-signaling system. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-021-10430-2. 10.(IF2020=4.169).

15.Xuekai Wei, Xiuzhang Li, Taixiang Chen, Zhenjiang Chen, Yuanyuan Jin Kamran Malik, Chunjie Li* (2021) Complete chloroplast genomes of Achnatherum inebrians and comparative analyses with related species from Poaceae. FEBS Open Bio, 11: 1704-1718. https://doi.org/10.1002/2211-5463.13170. (IF2019=2.231).

16.Haijuan Zhang, Taixiang Chen, Yali He, Chunjie Li* (2021) First report of ergot (Claviceps purpurea) on drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians) in China (Disease Note). Plant Disease, https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-20-2649-PDN. (IF2020=4.438).

17.Xiang Yao, Qing Chai, Taixiang Chen, Zhenjiang Chen, Xuekai Wei, Gengsheng Bao, Meiling Song, Wanrong Wei, Xingxu Zhang, Chunjie Li*, Zhibiao Nan (2019) Disturbance by grazing and the presence of rodents facilitates the dominance of the unpalatable grass Achnatherum inebrians in alpine meadows of northern China. The Rangeland Journal, 41, 301-312. (IF2017=1.019).

18.Zhenjiang Chen, Yuanyuan Jin, Xiang Yao, Taixiang Chen, Xuekai Wei, Chunjie Li*, James F. White, Zhibiao Nan (2020) Fungal endophyte improves survival of Lolium perenne in low fertility soils by increasing root growth, metabolic activity and absorption of nutrients. Plant and Soil, 452, 185-206. (IF2019=3.299). 

19.Shuihong Chen, Taixiang Chen, Xiang Yao, Hui Lv, Chunjie Li* (2018) Physicochemical properties of an asexual Epichloё endophyte-modified wild barley in the presence of salt stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 50, 2105-2111. (IF2019=0.8).

20.李春杰, 王正凤, 陈泰祥, 南志标. 利用禾草内生真菌创制大麦新种质. 科学通报, 2021, 66(20): 2608-2617.

21.李春杰, 陈泰祥, 赵桂琴, 南志标. 燕麦病害研究进展. 草业学报, 2017, 26(12): 203-222.

22.陈泰祥, 李春杰, 李秀璋. 一株野大麦内生真菌的生物学与生理学特性. 草业科学, 2016, 33(09): 1658-1664.

23.陈泰祥, 杨小利, 陈秀蓉, 李春杰, 王涵琦, 王艳. 甘肃省黄芪霜霉病发病规律及防治经济阈值研究. 草业学报, 2015, 24(09): 113-120.

24.陈泰祥, 杨小利, 陈秀蓉, 王艳, 王涵琦. 甘肃省当归褐斑病发病规律初步研究及田间药效评价. 中药材, 2015, 38(01): 14-17.

25.陈泰祥, 陈秀蓉, 杨成德, 朱海波, 王涵琦, 卞静. 甘肃省马铃薯束梗褐腐病病原鉴定及其生物学特性研究. 植物保护, 2014, 40(05): 27-33.

26.陈泰祥, 陈秀蓉, 王艳, 徐鹏刚, 杨小利. 甘肃省黄芪白粉病病原鉴定及田间药效试验. 农药, 2013, 52(08): 599-601.

27.陈泰祥, 王艳, 陈秀蓉, 杨小利, 徐鹏刚. 甘肃省黄芪霜霉病病原鉴定及田间药效试验. 中药材, 2013, 36(10): 1560-1563.









